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Crucified & Risen

In the Scriptures

He was crucified for us (Mark 15:25I Corinthians 15:31 Peter 2:24)

Under Pontius Pilate (Mark 15:15)

And suffered (Mark 8: 31Matthew 27:50)

And was buried (Luke 23:531 Corinthians 15:4Matthew 27:59-60)

And He arose on the third day (Mark 9:3116:9Acts 10:401 Corinthians 15:4)

According to the Scriptures (Luke 24:145-461 Corinthians 15:3-4)

Commentary from the Fathers

Having illumined men with the light of the true knowledge of God (John 1:18) and having disclosed the will of the Heavenly Father (John 6:40), Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World, accomplishing the Divine Truth which had condemned sin (1 Tim. 2:6; John 1:29), endured mocking, abuse, the Passion of the Cross and death under Pontius Pilate (Matt. 26:47-75; 27:1-66).


While His Body was in the Sepulcher, Christ descended into Hell, where He freed the souls of the righteous who had awaited His coming (1 Pet. 3:18-19; Eph. 4:8-9), and on the third day after His entombment was resurrected by the power of His divinity. During the forty days after His Resurrection, the Savior appeared many times to His disciples and continued to instruct them in the mysteries of His divine Kingdom (Acts 1:3).

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