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Leadership & Staff


Fr. Lucas Rice

Fr. Lucas Rice is our pastor (or proistamenos ). After graduating from St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary in 2011, he served St. Thomas Church in Sioux City, IA for 8 years. He began his service at St. Michael's in August 2019. 


He and his wife, Khouria Nicole, make their home with their two sons, two cats, and three very stubborn Scottish Terriers.


Fr. Lucas is a passionate student of history and of the Church Fathers. In addition to reading, he enjoys music–both playing and listening, podcasts, and DIY projects. He has even been known to ride a motorcycle every now and then.


He would love nothing more than to tell you about the Gospel of Jesus and the Pearl of Holy Orthodoxy.

Fr. Seraphim Ramos

Fr. Seraphim is our associate pastor. Fr. Seraphim went on to pursue and complete his Master of Divinity at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology and graduated in the Spring of 2017. He was ordained to the Holy Diaconate the day after graduation in Boston on May 21, 2017 at the Holy Cross Chapel by His Eminence, Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco, and then to the Holy Priesthood a few weeks later in Las Vegas at the Parish of St. John the Baptist on June 18, 2017. Fr. Seraphim and his wife Presvytera Olenka have four children.


The Ramos family enjoys many activities in their free time: hiking together with their dog Jordan, Pickle Ball, board games, sports, puzzles, reading, and dinners with guests.

Fr. Seraphim Bio Pic.jpg

Fr. George Geevarghese (Retired)

Fr. George Geevarghese has been a member of St Michael for over thirty years. In addition to serving the liturgical needs of the community, Fr. George assists in the teaching of a variety of classes at St Michael. Fr. George is a retired MD in Louisville who specialized in anesthesiology and pain management. Fr. George regularly travels on mission trips to India in order to share the Gospel and offer needed healthcare. 


Click this link for the “Orthodox Christian Mission Center” to learn more about mission work in the Orthodox Church.

Dn. Kyrill Schaefer

Deacon Kyrill Schaefer has served as a deacon at St. Michael since his ordination in 2009.
In addition to the Deacon’s role as liturgical assistant, Deacon Kyrill faithfully fulfils his other diaconal duties to include teaching, preaching, visiting the sick and taking Holy Communion to the homebound. Deacon also
helps with various other projects and ministries of the parish as needed. Deacon Kyrill is responsible for updating and registering the sacramental
records for the parish.
Deacon Kyrill completed the St. Stephen’s Course of Orthodox Studies and the Antiochian House of Studies through the Antiochian Archdiocese. Deacon Kyrill has also attended diaconal training through the Orthodox
Church in America at Saint Vladimir’s Seminary.
Deacon Kyrill received his Bachelor of Arts in French from the University of Kentucky, with studies in Tours, France. He also completed a MEd with an emphasis in instructional technology at the University of Louisville.
Deacon Kyrill is a retired teacher who through his 28 years of service has taught at levels from elementary through high school. Deacon was selected by the Commonwealth of Kentucky to participate in the Kentucky-Bourgogne Exchange in Dijon, France for three consecutive years. 
Deacon Kyrill is married to Diakonessa Anna (Cheryl). They have been blessed with two beautiful daughters, Anastasia and Alexandra and son-in-law Micah. Deacon and Diakonessa also have two happy grandchildren,
Declan Michael and Simeon Alexander.

Steve Jacobs

Steve Jacobs leads the powerful and prayerful choir of St Michael. His love of liturgical music, both Slavic and Byzantine combined with his musical talent help our choir to be well known throughout the country.


He and his wife Amanda have three children.

Kh. Olga Atty

John Frazier

John Frazier is our Office Manager. Formerly serving as music minister/lay pastor for seventeen years in a General Baptist Church, John currently serves at Saint Michael's as a chanter and choir member. 


Native to Huntington West Virginia, John has lived in Louisville for most of his life. John earned his Bachelor of Science/Teacher’s Certificate in Political Science while minoring in Information Systems and then began working as a tour operator in his Dad’s family business. Married to Judy in 1988, they raised two children together, and are blessed to be grandparents to 12 grandchildren.


In addition to managing the St Michael office, John frequently does consulting for the family business. He enjoys fishing, community theatre, singing at open mic, and more than anything, he loves spending time with family and being with his kids and grandkids. 


In Memoriam –

Fr. Alexander Atty

Pastor Emeritus

Father Alexander was the pastor of St. Michael the Archangel Antiochian Orthodox Church in Louisville, from May 1980 to June 2010. He also served as dean of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Canaan, Pa., from July 2010 until his retirement due to illness in February 2013.


born on Aug. 7, 1951, in Johnstown, Pa., to the late Dr. Alex and Mary Jane (Heider) Atty. He graduated from Pottsville Area High School in 1969, and received his Bachelor of Science in engineering from Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science (now Philadelphia University), Philadelphia, Pa., in 1973. After a brief career as a textile engineer, he earned his Master of Divinity from St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, Crestwood, N.Y., in 1979, was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by the late Metropolitan Philip (Saliba) in 1979, was elevated to the Dignity of Archpriest in 1988 and earned his Doctor of Ministry from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh, Pa., in 2008. His first pastoral assignment was as youth director of St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church in Troy, Mich., from October 1979 to May 1980.



During his tenure at St. Michael, Father Alexander nurtured his God-given flock and oversaw the growth of the parish into a vibrant witness to the truth of Jesus Christ in the greater Louisville metropolitan area. Some of his accomplishments include the beautification of the church building, the renovation of the social hall, the addition of the educational facility and the building of St. George Chapel, Holy Trinity Senior Housing and the Dreams with Wings Special Needs Home.


Father Alexander was a faithful servant of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, undertaking various roles, including dean of the Ohio Valley Deanery, dean of the Diocese of Toledo and the Midwest and SOYO spiritual adviser. Ever working toward the growth of Orthodox Christianity, he was instrumental in the establishment of St. Andrew Antiochian Orthodox Church in Lexington, Ky., and Holy Apostles Antiochian Orthodox Mission in Bowling Green, Ky. Additionally, he was given the opportunity to share his experiences and inspire communities throughout the United States and Canada with presentations on parish growth and revitalization. Father Alexander had a deep admiration for those in law enforcement and was active in the Louisville community by serving as the head chaplain for the Jefferson County Police Department, which earned him Volunteer of the Year accolades, chief of chaplains for Louisville Metro Police Department, chaplain for the Louisville Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, chaplain for the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office and chaplain for McMahan Fire Department. He received the Millennium Maker Award in 2000, which was presented by the Jefferson County Judge Executive, for his outstanding civic contribution.


Fr. Alexander fell asleep in the Lord on March 23, 2014. 


May his memory be eternal!

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